Sunday, February 3, 2008

Jennings speaks the truth

Limo Liberal Christine speaks
by Craig Bachler

In an earlier post, Democrat Limo Liberal Christine Jennings was featured. Amazingly enough, she spoke what she really feels in an article in the Feb 3, 2008 Sarasota Herald Tribune. Voters are stupid, so banks do not have to show any records to them.

Here is the article

Here is the quote that best sumss it up.

" “Now you couldn’t open the whole report, because frankly, there is too much in those reports when you get them. … Some of it could be misunderstood. They get so technical on some things that unless you’ve been part of banking, it’s unbelievable."

Amazingly enough, she was able to understand all that high end banking stuff from 1990 to 2003, but she didn't understand the proper way of completing IRS Tax forms. Makes you feel real good about keeping your money in a bank, the biggest welfare business going.

Christine, stick to your banking friends and get out of politics, your mouth can't seem to work with your brain.

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