Thursday, April 26, 2007

Oakland resolutions condemn federal immigration raids

This takes the cake
by Craig Bachler

Perhaps it is time my federal tax dollars are no longer spent in Oakland Ca and any of it's businesses.
follow the link to this story

First it was ebonics, now allowing a safe haven for criminals.
Time to dump Oakland to Mexico.

Democrats committing acts of violence against Republicans

I knew they were a bit wacked, look at their leaders, Pelosi and Dean????
by Craig Bachler

We all know about their attempts at keeping killing of the unborn legal and how Rev Al not so Sharpton is a racist, but this one takes the cake. Read the below story from the AP.

By KEN RITTER, Associated Press Writer Tue Apr 24, 9:42 PM ET
LAS VEGAS - "A man accused of threatening a Nevada Republican Party official with a rifle was arrested Tuesday in a vehicle in which police found swords, knives, a shotgun, shells and a flare gun, authorities said.

Matthew Hunter Kramer, 31, did not resist officers who arrested him on a warrant issued after the April 3 confrontation at state Republican Party offices in Las Vegas. It wasn't clear why he was not arrested earlier.
Zachary Moyle, executive director of the state GOP, told The Associated Press on Tuesday that Kramer invited him to look at something in the trunk of his Mercedes before pulling out a rifle, pointing it at his face and warning that he would be back if
President Bush' vetoed an emergency war spending bill being considered by Congress.
Bush and Democratic leaders are locked in a dispute over the president's pledge to veto legislation if it sets a timetable on the
Iraq war.
Kramer also removed photos of Bush and Vice President
Dick Cheney from the wall of the office and threatened to harm staff members, Moyle said. Kramer left his cell phone number with office staff before leaving, police said.
He is charged with criminal syndicalism, assault with a deadly weapon and aiming a firearm at a person, police Officer Martin Wright said.
Criminal syndicalism makes it a crime to advocate sabotage, violence or terrorism to accomplish industrial or political reform, said Ron Bloxham, a Clark County prosecutor. It carries a maximum sentence of six years in prison.
It wasn't known Tuesday evening whether Kramer had a lawyer".

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Our forefathers would be disgusted at today's government

But, Yes! We do have a recourse
by Craig Bachler

The Constitution is under attack, a usurpation of government officials, lawmakers, media, and a growing number of people who know nothing of the foundations of their own country, and seem as though they could not care less.
But we do have an option, America it is time to speak out. Illegal immigration is on the rise, our taxes are out of control and America is not the country that George Washington, Sam Adams, Ben Franklin or Thomas Jefferson visioned.
Join our cause, the Sons of Liberty. We are a group of average Americans that care about our country, care about the Constitution and care about the future.
E-mail us at and become a member. We are in the infantcy and need represenatives in all 50 states, join us, stand tall and loud as we try to bring America back on course.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Imus os now gone, time to send a message

The I-Man is off the air, what about his former advertisers?
by Craig Bachler

I wasn't a big fan of Imus, but him on the radio didn't affect me either. Unlike some radios, I have more than one station to choose from. But apparently, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson don't know that.
So, why was Imus pulled? Because several girls from a sports team claimed they were insulted? I can almost guarantee that if you listen to there IPODs you will find music that will make your hair stand. I will bet a weeks salary that they listen to the crap rap that is responsible for all the racial divide in this nation.

Here is a call to action, boycott all of the advertisers that pulled out of Imus's show. That's right, GM, GMAC (aka DiTec), American Express, etc. Let Jesse the producer of bastard child Jackson and Al not the sharpest Sharpton send their people to these advertisers. Lets see how long before they beg for forgiveness to those that were offended by their racist action.

The racial divide is not being caused by white vs black, it is being caused by the actions of the above "black leaders" and groups such as the black panthers. Time to send a message, we are all Americans, lets act that way.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Congress Gone Wild

Our favorite boys in D.C are Spending your money!!!!!!
by Craig Bachler

Here is the link and my reply..

Now, here is my turn.
Your taxes are high, gas is hitting $3.00 a gallon again, and the wonderful members of Congress are taking vacations on our dime.
Fire them!
Vote these jerks out of office. These junkets cost us millions, yet they do not want to protect the border, protect our children from terrorist and don't give a crap about us.
Clean house is the answer, time to hold their feet to the fire. They listen well to all the lobbiest that have them vote in their favor.
As Ross Perot said, We will remember in November.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Don Imus show loses more advertisers

Double standards are acceptable if your a rapper with trash talking mouth or Al not so Sharpton
by Craig Bachler

With all the talking heads on the radio talking about Imus and his potty mouth, I cannot find anything good on the radio now.
I was never a big fan of his over the top attitude, but he broke no laws, didn't force anyone to listen to his show or mentioned any individual names. Yet, Jesse love child Jackson and Al the racist Sharpton are on this faster than their old ladies.
Now Imus is loosing sponsors and faces being cancelled. Read this little bit about Sharpton from one of my listeners...

"Here is the real Al Sharpton in action. In 1995, he led his National Action Network in an ugly boycott against Freddy’s Fashion Mart, a Jewish-owned business that had its rent raised by its black landlord. Freddy’s in turn raised the rent on one of its subtenants, a black-owned music store. Published transcripts of Sharpton’s incendiary radio broadcasts about the Freddy’s boycott were available only through the Jewish press; the mainstream press printed only a few of the less-inflammatory of the Reverend’s comments. The street leader of the boycott, Morris Powell, was the head of Sharpton’s “Buy Black” Committee. Repeatedly referring to the Jewish proprietors of Freddy’s as “crackers,” Powell and his fellow protesters menacingly told passersby, “Keep [going] right on past Freddy’s, he’s one of the greedy Jew bastards killing our [black] people. Don’t give the Jew a dime.” Some picketers openly threatened violence against whites and Jews –– all under the watchful, approving eye of Sharpton. The subsequent picketing became increasingly violent in tone until one of the protesters eventually shot four whites in the store, and then set the building on fire –– killing seven employees, most of whom were Hispanics."

Make you think twice about the double standard?

Saturday, April 7, 2007

NH House votes in mandate adult seatbelt use

With the Dems in power in my old home state, it is now "live under our control or die".
by Craig Bachler

Being a former resident of New Hampshire, I must admit, I left in time. My wife and I discuss moving back many time, as we miss the true spirit of "Live Free or Die" the states motto. This is a place with no helmet laws for motorcycles, great people and the only state in the nation with no seat belt law for adults (right now anyways). Yet, New Hampshire has the highest statical usage of seat belts in the nation. Here is my thoughts, don't mandate it and the people will use comm0n sense, force it down our throats and watch the usage fall.
We can thank all the do good Democrats for telling us what is right and wrong. Quite honestly, I am getting sick and tired of what is good and bad for my family and I. What would our forefathers think if they came back and seen all this stupidity that government has mandated?

Here is the story taken from the Manchester Union Leader in New Hampshire (my favorite newspaper and one that reports the news, not opinion).

"The New Hampshire House Thursday passed a mandatory seat belt bill, requiring anyone in a moving car to be belted.
The bill, which passed 153-140, would allow a police officer to stop and ticket anyone for driving without a seat belt, or for having an unbelted passenger.
The offense carries a $50 fine for a first offense, $100 for a second offense.
New Hampshire is the last in the country without a law requiring all adults to wear a seat belt. It also has the lowest rate of adult seat belt use in the nation, at 64 percent. States with mandatory belt laws have usage in the 90 percent range, ( I want to make something clear, depending where you research this information, I have had a low of 56% to a high of 83% for New Hamshire drivers usage of seat belts and after a day long search, I cannot find anything even close to a 90% national average) from the the bill's supporters said yesterday"(consider the source, a bias).(Manchester Union Leader, April 7, 2007).

You ask, what can be done and I have the answer.....
Drum roll please.........................

Join the Sons of Liberty......
email Mike at
let him know you want to slow down the governments stupidity. I'll have more at a later date.