Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Our forefathers would be disgusted at today's government

But, Yes! We do have a recourse
by Craig Bachler

The Constitution is under attack, a usurpation of government officials, lawmakers, media, and a growing number of people who know nothing of the foundations of their own country, and seem as though they could not care less.
But we do have an option, America it is time to speak out. Illegal immigration is on the rise, our taxes are out of control and America is not the country that George Washington, Sam Adams, Ben Franklin or Thomas Jefferson visioned.
Join our cause, the Sons of Liberty. We are a group of average Americans that care about our country, care about the Constitution and care about the future.
E-mail us at sonsofliberty2007@gmail.com and become a member. We are in the infantcy and need represenatives in all 50 states, join us, stand tall and loud as we try to bring America back on course.

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