Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Flip Flop Bill McCollum does it again

It is amazing when you have a person that claims to be a "career public servant" that has the personality of a spoiled child running for Governor of Florida. Bill McCollum, a 30 year career politician that needs to go away. The same Bill McCollum that feel entitled to be the next Governor of Florida.

Bill the Flip Flop McCollum is now saying he wants a law similar to Arizona's law on illegal immigrants. Back in April, he didn't support the law, Rick Scott jumps into the race supporting it, polls go through the roof, then Bill supports it. Two days right after he supported it, he said "We don't need that law in Florida". Flip Flop Bill is at it again.

Then this past week, Bill supports a law prohibiting gays from adopting children in Florida.......Guess what, next day he said that isn't what he meant.
August 9, 2010 "I really do not think that we should have homosexuals guiding our children. I think that it’s a lifestyle that I don’t agree with and will create a law stopping it."
August 11, 2010 less than 48 hours later.."He says he wants to wait for the Florida Supreme Court to rule on Florida's gay adoption ban before deciding to take action." So Flip Flop continues to do what he does best, nothing.

Then "pro life" Bill claims he is opposed to abortions. OK, that is good, but he also managed Rudy's 2008 campaign in Florida. Rudy is the most open pro choice candidate out there, more so than Clinton. He also supported Forbes, another pro choice guy in addition to Gates, the list goes on. How can you claim to be pro life when you have all pro choice friends?

Stay tuned for "As Bills world flip flops" on a TV station near you....

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