Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Career politicians need to retire Rubio vs Crist

Rubio, the poster child for "conservative" values vs the progressive style of the RINO (well former RINO) Charlie Crist. Who do we have for Senate? Well, not sure. Charlie thinks this is corporate America and he deserves to be on fast track to the top. He moves into different positions faster than I change my socks. No proven long term commitment or record.

Then Rubio, the self claimed tea party candidate. Is he or is it another fake self endorsement? I'll lean with the later. Rubio, the same one that claims he has not connections with the career politicians. Lets see, speaker of the house, how does one become speaker? It is called playing the field and being an insider. Then there is the same Rubio that claims to be in full support of the Constitution, another lie. Rubio supports a nationalized standard for education, sounds to me that he wants to grow the Fed and take away states rights.

This election cycle should prove interesting. Problem is, who do we vote for?

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