Sunday, September 27, 2009

Me running for office?

I am having a little more time to contribute my thoughts to this blog. Being a full time parent, employee and student tends to detract my focus from telling it like it is. Over the next few post, I will be talking about my observations on why the Republican Party is going to fail in 2010 and it is not the fault of real Conservatives, but the RINO's that line up to run for office.

Yesterday I touched on Marco Rubio, a senate wanna be to replace the last failure in Florida, Mel Martinez. Rubio will not only be a failure, but will side up with the liberal left on immigration. He is an open borders guy and will allow more illegals to flow into the US and also offer them the free rise others are on. Enough said about him at this time.

Today, we will discuss Carol Whitmore, Manatee County Florida District 6 Commissioner. It is official, she is running again. Yes folks, four more years of the same.....NOTHING. Remember, "she is a nurse and her husband is a doctor", quoted from one of the recorded CC meetings. She got in last time because of her campaign manager (Big Red) and the dirty tactics to slander the opposition with skewed facts.

Like an idiot, I allowed her to join in studio on one Saturday. This is when I actually had a little respect for Big Red (her campaign manager). But I was lied to and was told it was a friend of hers, Linda failed to release the fact she was a paid campaign person. I think you understand why I am going in this direction. I do not like being lied to and then use my show for a free campaign plug.

Anyways, Carol Whitmore / Whitless has done nothing but sided with her friends the developers causing increases in taxes and decrease in improvements for the community. Her lack of researching prior to a vote and always siding with her buddies has caused much damage to Manatee County Florida.

As I always say, perhaps it is time to wake up and take out the trash. If you support Carol and her slanderous campaign manager, you support more of the same, NOTHING. Maybe it is time that Craig Bachler runs for Manatee County Commissioner District 6!

You decide.....

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