Friday, August 7, 2009

Obama and his real intentions.

The American public is speaking out about Obama's intention to turn America into a socialist country. This man of "change" has only promoted his agenda of big government, take over of private industry and find ways to increase our taxes.
Recent protest at town hall meetings only shows Americans are not going to sit down and let him ruin our country. Socialist Kathy Castor and Obama rump swab tried to lie to the public this past Thursday evening about the benefits of the health care program that she knows nothing about. Yes, she knows nothing about it because she never read it. Obama spoke and she is kissing up to promote it.
America, do not give up. We need to stop this mad man in the White House and his agenda. If he was sincere about lowering the cost of health care, lets look at tort reform. Oh yea, he won't, both him and Michelle are lawyers and he is protecting his legal friends.
This guy is a limo liberal and those that voted for him are finding out it was a mistake. Three and a half year and counting until we can get rid of him.

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