Saturday, April 11, 2009

Biden, just another Liberal POS

It has been a while since my last post. I wanted to give this administration the opportunity to prove themselves. Guess what, they did, they proved that they are failures.

Iwill not comment too much on Obama as he was the instrument of change. Someone in his campaign failed to tell him that he was elected and the need to lie to the public on what he is going to do is not needed anymore. So far, the only change I have seen is his face kissing up to the terrorist in the Middle East.

Biden, what a POS. First he did not know who was president during the depression, then he lied about former President Bush. Now Biden supports the use of cocaine. His daughter is an addict, where the hell is the left media on the coverage?

Cheney was mocked by the media because of his daughters sexual orientation. Last time I checked, being a lesbian is not illegal, yet the media continued to bring this into our households every evening.

So media, does Biden endorse the use of illegal drugs or are you just covering up this POS and his lies?????

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