Sunday, July 20, 2008

Elections are close

Local Manatee County Elections, Aug 23....
by Craig Bachler

I have somewhat neglected to update this blog due to a major load of school work. In an election year, that is a poor excuse because Americans need to know the truth.

Today's update will focus on the local elections here in Manatee County Florida. I will cover perhaps the more active elections and add comment to each candidate.

Manatee County District 3 County Commissioners. Incumbent Jane von Hahmann vs former Bradenton Beach Mayor John Chappy.

This is an interesting race, we have a do nothing incumbent that was unopposed four yeas ago versus a small time politician well connected to developers funding. Voters in Manatee County are unhappy with what is going on in their community because of falling property values, excessive development in the East and a failure of representation for the residents of the west.
Jane has proven not be be the great leader she thinks she is. Her lack luster performance and dependence on others to guide her on important issues demonstrates that she should be running her surfboard shop instead of a county government. I even considered running in this election as a anyone but Jane candidate. But as mentioned earlier, school is a priority, thus not this year.

John Chappy is one of the nicest guys you can meet. He is very personal and pleasant to be around. My first meeting with John was at a political event last October. However, nice doesn't necessarily indicate any leadership experience. The mayors of Anna Marie Island brag (John is part of this) that they didn't raise taxes under their leadership but got a lot done. Truth is, property values went up along with tax revenue, thus the influx of tons of cash. Carol Whitmore didn't clarify this during her campaign last time around.
However, look at john and the money machine he is involved with. Lots of cash from special interest (like his big sister Carol Whitmore). Carol is the developers best friend and has proven it with not taking a tough stand with excessive development, but then again 300K to run for County Commissioner, she owes favors. I feel John will fall into this same trap, thus John is not my choice.
Preserve what we have and vote for Jane.

Next week, public defender Larry Egen vs Ron Fillapowski......

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