Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Let the battle continue

Obama vs Clinton
by Craig Bachler

As most of you know, I am no fan of the Democratic Party. Since I first votes in the 1980's, I leaned towards the conservative candidate, Regan (X's2) Bush in 88, Pat Buchanan in 92 and 96(NH Primary) and the trend continued. My 08 choice dropped out early (Tom Tancredo).

As you can see (unless you have no communications with the rest of the world), the battle between Hillary and Obama is heating up. Hillary is accusing Obama of being out of touch with middle America in his arrogant statements, Obama is accusing Hillary of being out of touch period.

I must give Hillary credit, like Bill (her husband and close friend with the interns) must be a lot of fun on a Saturday night. See the shot and beer she slammed down to prove she is just like us, the rest of America that has a drinking problem.

Well, looks like I am going to vote for the liberal McCain this time.

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