Saturday, August 2, 2008

Manatee County School Board race heats up...

Harry the Double Dipper vs Watchdog Miner
by Craig Bachler

It is fast approaching six years since I moved to Florida and I am still amazed over the school board elections. Reason being, those that are elected are privileged and feel they are royalty. Based on my observations, this image is created by the excessive pay and privileges associated with this position.

Regretfully, the members of the Manatee County School Board are exempt from everything that us as taxpayers are not. The "Florida Sunshine Laws" as they are called is to bring forward public policy created by government members to the public, so that no special deals are made. Well, as mentioned, Roger the dodger Dearing and the boards lynch man attorney John Bowen, plus the five board members appear above the law.

Now, off to the elections......

We have the double dipper Harry Kinnan versus the public watchdog, Dave Miner. This race is badly needed because of the corruption that this board has a reputation for.

Harry is a former military captain from the Army. However, his best talent is bullshit! Harry can sell snow to an Inuit by smiling and telling them why his snow is better. Harry also doesn't do his homework on board matters. He recently approved (rubber stamped) a vote to support drug testing for athletes and now opposes it because he didn't understand the method of applying it. Harry, you are not that stupid are you?

Plus Harry is also getting a pension from the State and also collects about 40K a year plus benefits from being a board member, hence "Double Dipper".

People, wake up, lets throw out the trash, time to dump Harry and put the Watchdog in office. Dave is the right choice and with the other board members, at least he will read before voting or caving into the demands of the tyrant Dearing.

This host reccomends Dave the "Watchdog" Miner for Manatee County School Board.

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