It behoves me to think how much money Obama has spent on pet projects when our countries economy remains in the dumper. It is not governments job to create jobs, but it is governments job to stimulate job development and growth. However, this administration has failed miserably on anything involved with the economy.
Our amazing leader had another setback this week. He failed to secure the Olympics to his crime ridden hometown, Chicago. Yep, the leader of the free world took out the big guns including Oprah (not referring to her size) and flew them around the world on the taxpayers tab costing many millions to beg for the Olympics.
When is this "intelligent" person going to focus on the US and not traveling around the world apologizing for the US? Both him and his socialist agenda has done more damage in the first eight months of office than his hero Jimmy Carter, another failure.
As an American, 2012 will not come fast enough to get someone in the White House that will lead America and not the anti American rhetoric that Obama and co are famous for.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Me running for office?
I am having a little more time to contribute my thoughts to this blog. Being a full time parent, employee and student tends to detract my focus from telling it like it is. Over the next few post, I will be talking about my observations on why the Republican Party is going to fail in 2010 and it is not the fault of real Conservatives, but the RINO's that line up to run for office.
Yesterday I touched on Marco Rubio, a senate wanna be to replace the last failure in Florida, Mel Martinez. Rubio will not only be a failure, but will side up with the liberal left on immigration. He is an open borders guy and will allow more illegals to flow into the US and also offer them the free rise others are on. Enough said about him at this time.
Today, we will discuss Carol Whitmore, Manatee County Florida District 6 Commissioner. It is official, she is running again. Yes folks, four more years of the same.....NOTHING. Remember, "she is a nurse and her husband is a doctor", quoted from one of the recorded CC meetings. She got in last time because of her campaign manager (Big Red) and the dirty tactics to slander the opposition with skewed facts.
Like an idiot, I allowed her to join in studio on one Saturday. This is when I actually had a little respect for Big Red (her campaign manager). But I was lied to and was told it was a friend of hers, Linda failed to release the fact she was a paid campaign person. I think you understand why I am going in this direction. I do not like being lied to and then use my show for a free campaign plug.
Anyways, Carol Whitmore / Whitless has done nothing but sided with her friends the developers causing increases in taxes and decrease in improvements for the community. Her lack of researching prior to a vote and always siding with her buddies has caused much damage to Manatee County Florida.
As I always say, perhaps it is time to wake up and take out the trash. If you support Carol and her slanderous campaign manager, you support more of the same, NOTHING. Maybe it is time that Craig Bachler runs for Manatee County Commissioner District 6!
You decide.....
Yesterday I touched on Marco Rubio, a senate wanna be to replace the last failure in Florida, Mel Martinez. Rubio will not only be a failure, but will side up with the liberal left on immigration. He is an open borders guy and will allow more illegals to flow into the US and also offer them the free rise others are on. Enough said about him at this time.
Today, we will discuss Carol Whitmore, Manatee County Florida District 6 Commissioner. It is official, she is running again. Yes folks, four more years of the same.....NOTHING. Remember, "she is a nurse and her husband is a doctor", quoted from one of the recorded CC meetings. She got in last time because of her campaign manager (Big Red) and the dirty tactics to slander the opposition with skewed facts.
Like an idiot, I allowed her to join in studio on one Saturday. This is when I actually had a little respect for Big Red (her campaign manager). But I was lied to and was told it was a friend of hers, Linda failed to release the fact she was a paid campaign person. I think you understand why I am going in this direction. I do not like being lied to and then use my show for a free campaign plug.
Anyways, Carol Whitmore / Whitless has done nothing but sided with her friends the developers causing increases in taxes and decrease in improvements for the community. Her lack of researching prior to a vote and always siding with her buddies has caused much damage to Manatee County Florida.
As I always say, perhaps it is time to wake up and take out the trash. If you support Carol and her slanderous campaign manager, you support more of the same, NOTHING. Maybe it is time that Craig Bachler runs for Manatee County Commissioner District 6!
You decide.....
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Marco Rubio, another Mel Martinez?
The elections of 2008 proved one thing, the American public was sick of what we had in the Republican Party and was willing to try a new approach. Under George Bush, the demographics of American Society were challenged by the terror attacks of 9/11 caused by the Clinton Administration, challenging economic conditions (also caused by Clinton, IE: Commodity Futures Modernization Act of Dec 2000) as well as whining from the left.
Regretfully, the Republicans took the hit for this and some members rightfully so. Here in Florida, we had the poster boy for Hispanic Leadership, Mel Martinez who was hand picked by Bush to run in the soon to be open US Senate seat. The idea of Martinez in this position would encourage the large Hispanic population of Florida to sway towards the Conservative cause. What this actually did was drive a big divide through the population.
Martinez was an open borders type of guy. He supported Bush's agenda on allowing 28 million illegal immigrants the right to stay in America and even be allowed benefits that should only be given to honest, hard working AMERICANS.
Mel proved that the Republican Party is flawed because of his leftist views (even though he claims to be a Conservative) and his arrogant lack of accountability to the same public that voted him in. This is one of the reasons why we have a socialist in the White House and a Congress willing to take away the American dream from you and I.
Now in 2010, we are facing another opportunity to vote in more failure. We have the past Speaker of the Florida House throwing his hands into the ring. Marco Rubino, a former member of the Fl House and ousted because of term limits has decided to follow daddy Mel and try to jump into the US Senate with the hefty salary and great health care.
Funny part is, many Republicans can't identify any major legislation he was involved with and many didn't know who he was before announcing. This only proves he is another seat warmer like Martinez.
Some ask, why are you so bitter towards him? My answer is that the firm he hired to market him sent me an unsolicited e-mail asking for my support because of my radio show. My reply was, I am not supporting Rubino and remove me from your list. So, here is the kicker, I was told "I am sorry you are so narrow minded that you can’t handle different views. "
Funny part of it is that I handle different views on a daily basis, but I do not need some marketing person to tell me how to vote.
So, we have a chance to fix the situation, anybody but the recycled Crist and Rubino or we can continue the slide by voting one of these two wannabes and continue to complain about the state of the Country is. you make the choice, but do not be influenced because you were told who is best, do it by your choice, not the big money makers.
Regretfully, the Republicans took the hit for this and some members rightfully so. Here in Florida, we had the poster boy for Hispanic Leadership, Mel Martinez who was hand picked by Bush to run in the soon to be open US Senate seat. The idea of Martinez in this position would encourage the large Hispanic population of Florida to sway towards the Conservative cause. What this actually did was drive a big divide through the population.
Martinez was an open borders type of guy. He supported Bush's agenda on allowing 28 million illegal immigrants the right to stay in America and even be allowed benefits that should only be given to honest, hard working AMERICANS.
Mel proved that the Republican Party is flawed because of his leftist views (even though he claims to be a Conservative) and his arrogant lack of accountability to the same public that voted him in. This is one of the reasons why we have a socialist in the White House and a Congress willing to take away the American dream from you and I.
Now in 2010, we are facing another opportunity to vote in more failure. We have the past Speaker of the Florida House throwing his hands into the ring. Marco Rubino, a former member of the Fl House and ousted because of term limits has decided to follow daddy Mel and try to jump into the US Senate with the hefty salary and great health care.
Funny part is, many Republicans can't identify any major legislation he was involved with and many didn't know who he was before announcing. This only proves he is another seat warmer like Martinez.
Some ask, why are you so bitter towards him? My answer is that the firm he hired to market him sent me an unsolicited e-mail asking for my support because of my radio show. My reply was, I am not supporting Rubino and remove me from your list. So, here is the kicker, I was told "I am sorry you are so narrow minded that you can’t handle different views. "
Funny part of it is that I handle different views on a daily basis, but I do not need some marketing person to tell me how to vote.
So, we have a chance to fix the situation, anybody but the recycled Crist and Rubino or we can continue the slide by voting one of these two wannabes and continue to complain about the state of the Country is. you make the choice, but do not be influenced because you were told who is best, do it by your choice, not the big money makers.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
The slide continues

Amazing how when Obama speaks, all of his followers defend him no matter how crap spews out of his mouth. Too bad the idiots that think he is better than sliced bread are morons and should lose their right to vote.
His attempt to brainwash school age children yesterday with his televised infomercial was nothing more than a publicty stunt to try to boost his ever faling ratings. He has the lowest ratings of all presidents in the first nine months in history.
Those few that still like him will never change, they are usually seeking handouts from the government because they refuse to contribute to society other than their political lack of knowledge.
Three and one half years and counting till freedom comes back to America.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Thank Clinton for our current financial mess
We can thank Bill Clinton for our current out of control oil prices. About 30% of oil is traded in what is called a dark market. You see, Bill deregulated this market in Dec of 2000 to help his friends make some money off the American public.
So, to sum it up, the $150 price for a barrel of oil, Enron and uncertain future of the American economy can be attributed to Bill Clinton, yes America's first black president.
So, to sum it up, the $150 price for a barrel of oil, Enron and uncertain future of the American economy can be attributed to Bill Clinton, yes America's first black president.
Time for the back stroke for Obama
The health care that Obama is trying to stuff down our throats is not good for the country. There is no debate, it is simple a dictator losing grip and now starting to show his true colors. Fact is, Obama and members of Congress will not have to participate in this plan, they have a special one. Yes our savior is exempt from his own plan that he is commanding for the lesser class.
In addition to this, over 10 million illegal immigrants will be allowed to participate. Guess who will pay for this, us, our children, our grand children and keep it going..........
Our boy in the White House is not much different that Chavez, the guy Obama wants to open up dialog with. Charvez is not a socialist, he is a dictator pushing communist doctrine. See the resemblance?
Recently, socialist Kathy Castor, (D) Tampa, held a town hall meeting, part she miscalculated was her constituents oppose the social medicine that Obama is pushing. She was met with questions she didn't want to answer and left with her head in her lap.
She later help a phone conference with a pre selected audience that was softer on her. Afraid to answer to those that elected her, time to vote her out of office. This is the type of leadership America does not need.
Speak up and voice your concerns with ObamaCare, you are going to pay for it, you do have a say unlike what the White House is telling you.
Every time the government gets involved, it fails........
In addition to this, over 10 million illegal immigrants will be allowed to participate. Guess who will pay for this, us, our children, our grand children and keep it going..........
Our boy in the White House is not much different that Chavez, the guy Obama wants to open up dialog with. Charvez is not a socialist, he is a dictator pushing communist doctrine. See the resemblance?
Recently, socialist Kathy Castor, (D) Tampa, held a town hall meeting, part she miscalculated was her constituents oppose the social medicine that Obama is pushing. She was met with questions she didn't want to answer and left with her head in her lap.
She later help a phone conference with a pre selected audience that was softer on her. Afraid to answer to those that elected her, time to vote her out of office. This is the type of leadership America does not need.
Speak up and voice your concerns with ObamaCare, you are going to pay for it, you do have a say unlike what the White House is telling you.
Every time the government gets involved, it fails........
Friday, August 7, 2009
Obama and his real intentions.
The American public is speaking out about Obama's intention to turn America into a socialist country. This man of "change" has only promoted his agenda of big government, take over of private industry and find ways to increase our taxes.
Recent protest at town hall meetings only shows Americans are not going to sit down and let him ruin our country. Socialist Kathy Castor and Obama rump swab tried to lie to the public this past Thursday evening about the benefits of the health care program that she knows nothing about. Yes, she knows nothing about it because she never read it. Obama spoke and she is kissing up to promote it.
America, do not give up. We need to stop this mad man in the White House and his agenda. If he was sincere about lowering the cost of health care, lets look at tort reform. Oh yea, he won't, both him and Michelle are lawyers and he is protecting his legal friends.
This guy is a limo liberal and those that voted for him are finding out it was a mistake. Three and a half year and counting until we can get rid of him.
Recent protest at town hall meetings only shows Americans are not going to sit down and let him ruin our country. Socialist Kathy Castor and Obama rump swab tried to lie to the public this past Thursday evening about the benefits of the health care program that she knows nothing about. Yes, she knows nothing about it because she never read it. Obama spoke and she is kissing up to promote it.
America, do not give up. We need to stop this mad man in the White House and his agenda. If he was sincere about lowering the cost of health care, lets look at tort reform. Oh yea, he won't, both him and Michelle are lawyers and he is protecting his legal friends.
This guy is a limo liberal and those that voted for him are finding out it was a mistake. Three and a half year and counting until we can get rid of him.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
The envelope please.....
Joe is a No-Go....
by Craig Bachler
Joe Biden is less popular than Dick Cheney. I repeat, Joe Biden is less popular than Dick Cheney. A slim 51 percent of Americans have a favorable view of Vice President Biden. Cheney was at 58 percent in July 2001. Al Gore, 55 percent in April 1993. The veep comparison comes courtesy of the Pew Research Center's latest report.
The public's favorable take on Biden declined 12 percentage points since January. And don't blame the GOP. Democrats' favorable view fell from 87 to 76 percent. Independents' view fell from 58 to 46 percent.
I rest my case on the lunatic VP that haunts our nation. Obama is slipping too, stay tuned for details.
by Craig Bachler
Joe Biden is less popular than Dick Cheney. I repeat, Joe Biden is less popular than Dick Cheney. A slim 51 percent of Americans have a favorable view of Vice President Biden. Cheney was at 58 percent in July 2001. Al Gore, 55 percent in April 1993. The veep comparison comes courtesy of the Pew Research Center's latest report.
The public's favorable take on Biden declined 12 percentage points since January. And don't blame the GOP. Democrats' favorable view fell from 87 to 76 percent. Independents' view fell from 58 to 46 percent.
I rest my case on the lunatic VP that haunts our nation. Obama is slipping too, stay tuned for details.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Biden, just another Liberal POS
It has been a while since my last post. I wanted to give this administration the opportunity to prove themselves. Guess what, they did, they proved that they are failures.
Iwill not comment too much on Obama as he was the instrument of change. Someone in his campaign failed to tell him that he was elected and the need to lie to the public on what he is going to do is not needed anymore. So far, the only change I have seen is his face kissing up to the terrorist in the Middle East.
Biden, what a POS. First he did not know who was president during the depression, then he lied about former President Bush. Now Biden supports the use of cocaine. His daughter is an addict, where the hell is the left media on the coverage?
Cheney was mocked by the media because of his daughters sexual orientation. Last time I checked, being a lesbian is not illegal, yet the media continued to bring this into our households every evening.
So media, does Biden endorse the use of illegal drugs or are you just covering up this POS and his lies?????
Iwill not comment too much on Obama as he was the instrument of change. Someone in his campaign failed to tell him that he was elected and the need to lie to the public on what he is going to do is not needed anymore. So far, the only change I have seen is his face kissing up to the terrorist in the Middle East.
Biden, what a POS. First he did not know who was president during the depression, then he lied about former President Bush. Now Biden supports the use of cocaine. His daughter is an addict, where the hell is the left media on the coverage?
Cheney was mocked by the media because of his daughters sexual orientation. Last time I checked, being a lesbian is not illegal, yet the media continued to bring this into our households every evening.
So media, does Biden endorse the use of illegal drugs or are you just covering up this POS and his lies?????
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